Ghana Health Service (GHS)
The Ghana Health Service (GHS) is a Ghanaian government body, established under Act 525 of 1996, as required by the 1992 Constitution as part of the Health Sector Reform of Ghana. The Health Service is under the Ministry of Health. The GHS is therefore a Public Service body. It is an autonomous Executive Agency responsible for the implementation of national policies under the control of the Minister for Health through its governing council, the Ghana Health Service Council.
The Health Service primarily administers the health services provided by the government and implements government policies on healthcare. It's mandate is to provide and prudently manage comprehensive and accessible health services with special emphasis on primary health care at regional, district and sub-district levels, in accordance with approved national policies. The vision is that all communities have access to timely, quality, and comprehensive health care.

Dr. Efua Commey
NCDs Program, Ghana Health Service, Ghana
Dr. Efua Commey works with the Ghana Health Service as the Program Manager for NCDs.
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Christian Health Association of Ghana (CHAG)
CHAG is the second largest provider of health services in Ghana. It is a Christian Faith-Based Organization (FBO) constituted by 34 different churches that provides health services to underserved, unserved, and deprived areas of Ghana where the government has limited or no facilities.
With barely 7.5% of Ghana’s health infrastructure, CHAG provides about 30% of out-patient services with nearly 9 million Ghanaians benefiting from its services annually. It has 374 facilities in rural and urban poor centres with about 42,000 health workers. It provides unrivalled quality health services in all the 16 administrative regions and has 22 health workforce training schools

Dr. James Duah
Christian Health Association of Ghana (CHAG)
Dr. James Duah is a Public Health Physician and the Deputy Executive Director of the Christian Health Association of Ghana (CHAG). Dr Duah provides Technical Direction for health services delivery for 374 Christian Faith-Based facilities in Ghana. He apportions a large part of his time to ensuring quality health services delivery in the CHAG network. He has been an NCD advocate including Mental Health for nearly a decade now.
He is the Technical Director for a Global Fund funded Community Systems Strengthening program for HIV, TB, and Human rights program that works with 97 NGOs in Ghana and interfaces them with the formal government systems. He provided leadership for UKAid Funded Mental Health project that sought to improve the lives of people living with Mental illness.
Since 2021 he has been leading CHAG’s projects on using primary healthcare approach to address the issues of hypertension and diabetes in rural areas. Consequently, he has worked with several partners in implementing various programs related to NCDs. As a Public Health Physician, Dr Duah spent a decade of his working life in rural Ghana and made significant contributions to many spheres of Public Health and Health Leadership.
He led the introduction of squatting births in Northern Ghana and a 100-Day Free of Maternal mortality project that led respectively to 130% increase in supervised delivery and 24% reduction in institutional maternal mortality in 74 Christian faith-based hospitals in Ghana. He also led the integration of mental health services in 140 health facilities within the CHAG network
Coalition of Actors for Public Health Advocacy (CAPHA)
The “Coalition of Actors for Public Health Advocacy (CAPHA)” is a public interest coalition that brings together both state and non-state actors to advocate for public health. As a Coalition, CAPHA has the requisite expertise and experience to advocate for the development, deployment, and evaluation of public health interventions. CAPHA’s academic partners in this and related projects include the University of Ghana, civil society partners include the Ghana NCD Alliance, Ghana Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, Ghana Public Health Association, as well as some Members of Parliament, Ghana.

Hon. Dr. Sebastian Sandaare
Coalition of Actors for Public Health Advocacy, Ghana
Hon. Dr. Sebastian Ngmenenso Sandaare is a trained Physician specialist (Public Health) with an interest in Nutrition, Population, and Family Health. He has over 10 years of experience in medical practice in the rural areas of Northern Ghana. He served in various leadership positions, such as medical superintendent and District Director of Health Service. He was a Board Member of Global Fund Ghana (CCM). He is currently a Member of Parliament for the Daffiama Bussie Issa Constituency, He also serves as a member of the Health Committee in Parliament as well as a representative of parliament on the Ghana AIDS Commission Governing Board.
Division of Nutrition and Dietetics, Kenya Ministry of Health
The Division of Nutrition and Dietetics operates within the Department of Family Health in the Ministry of Health. Its overarching mandate is to enhance the nutritional status and well-being of Kenyan citizens. The division focuses on promoting healthy eating habits and is responsible for developing and implementing policies, guidelines, and programs aimed at ensuring adequate nutrition for all.
Nairobi City County
Nairobi City is the capital city of the Republic of Kenya and the largest city of Kenya. Nairobi serves as the center of administration, politics, economy, and culture. According to the 2019 Kenya National Housing Census Report, the population of Nairobi County was 4,397,073, with a population density of 6,247 people per square kilometer and an annual growth rate of 4.1%.
The National Council of Churches of Kenya (NCCK)
The National Council of Churches of Kenya (NCCK) is an umbrella organisation for Protestant Churches and Christian Organisations registered in Kenya. Its primary objective is to enhance the health and well-being of community members by raising awareness and providing health information. NCCK empowers member churches to conduct health information campaigns and advocates for the review and implementation of health-related policies and laws.